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发布时间 :2024年11月17日 浏览量 :











紧随开幕式进行的便是大会学术报告的上半场,由8位国际符号学、传播学名家做大会学术报告,其中包括2位外国学者。学术报告(上半场)由蒋晓丽教授主持,丁和根教授进行学术评议;并邀请到普渡大学比较文学系、根特大学文化研究与教育学Steven Totosy教授、江西师范大学傅修延教授、南京大学文学院赵宪章教授、beat365官网赵毅衡教授、南京大学外国语学院王加兴教授、南京大学艺术学院赵奎英教授、上海大学新闻传播学院齐爱军教授、瑞典林奈大学文化科学系Michael Ranta教授 8位学者带来精彩的学术分享。

10日上午举办了大会学术报告的下半场,由beat365官网胡易容教授主持,四川师范大学谭光辉教授担任评议人。来自中国社会科学院新闻与传播研究所的曾庆香教授、苏州大学外国语学院的王军教授、beat365官网的陆正兰教授、上海外国语大学语料库研究院的Alin Olteanu副教授、beat365官网的唐小林教授、beat365官网的李兴、beat365官网的胡易容教授、意大利都灵大学哲学与教育学系的Massimo Leone教授、保加利亚新保加利亚大学东南欧符号学研究中心的Kristian Bankov教授采用线上+线下的方式分别分享了他们的学术报告。












The 2024 Nanjing Semiotics Conference and The First Master Forum for Graduate Students of Nanjing University Successfully Held


From November 9 to 10, 2024, the 2024 Nanjing Semiotics Conference and the First Master Forum for Graduate Students of Nanjing University were ceremoniously held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. The conference and forum were hosted by the Semiotics and Communication Studies Committee of the Chinese Association for Journalism History, the Cultural and Communication Semiotics Division of the Chinese Comparative Literature Association, the School of Journalism and Communication of Nanjing University, and the College of Literature and Journalism of Sichuan University, along with the Graduate School of Nanjing University. The Jiangsu Zijin Media Think Tank and the Semiotics & Media Studies Institute of Sichuan University (ISMS) also co-organized the event. The conference received academic support from multiple scholarly journals, too.


Themed as “The Symphony Between Humanities and Technology: New Dimensions in the Evolution and Development of Semiotics”, the conference was aimed to explore the theoretical innovations and practical applications of semiotics within the context of emerging technologies.


A total of 167 scholars from 89 research institutions of six countries and regions attended the conference. It attracted outstanding scholars from fields such as semiotics, narratology, art studies, and comparative literature, all coming together to push forward the semiotic research in the era of artificial intelligence.


The opening ceremony was hosted by Professor Ding Hegen from the School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University. Vice President of Nanjing University, Suo Wenbin, Chair of the Semiotic Communication Committee of the Chinese Association for Journalism History and President of the Cultural and Communication Semiotics Division of the Chinese Comparative Literature Association, Professor Jiang Xiaoli, and Secretary General of the Semiotics Committee of the Chinese Association of Logic, Professor Wang Jun, each delivered opening remarks.


Following the opening ceremony was the first session of the conference, consisting of the keynote presentations by eight distinguished scholars in international semiotics and communication studies, including two international scholars. This session was chaired by Professor Jiang Xiaoli, with Professor Ding Hegen providing academic commentaries. Distinguished scholars invited to deliver keynots in this session included Professor Steven Totosy from the Department of Comparative Literature at Purdue University and Cultural Studies and Education at Ghent University; Professor Fu Xiuyan from Jiangxi Normal University; Professor Zhao Xianzhang from the School of Liberal Arts at Nanjing University; Professor Zhao Yiheng from the College of Literature and Journalism at Sichuan University; Professor Wang Jiaxing from the School of Foreign Studies at Nanjing University; Professor Zhao Kuiying from the School of Arts at Nanjing University; Professor Qi Aijun from the School of Journalism and Communication at Shanghai University; and Professor Michael Ranta from the Department of Cultural Sciences at Linnaeus University in Sweden. They each delivered insightful academic presentations.


In the morning of November 10, the second session of academic presentations was held, chaired by Professor Hu Yirong from Sichuan University, with Professor Tan Guanghui from Sichuan Normal University serving as the commentator. These keynote speakers who gave their speeches both online and on sight were Professor Zeng Qingxiang from the Institute of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Professor Wang Jun from the School of Foreign Languages at Soochow University; Professor Lu Zhenglan from the College of Literature and Journalism at Sichuan University; Associate Professor Alin Olteanu from the Corpus Research Institute at Shanghai International Studies University; Professor Tang Xiaolin, Dr. Li Xing and Professor Hu Yirong from the College of Literature and Journalism at Sichuan University; Professor Massimo Leone from the Department of Philosophy and Education at the University of Turin in Italy; and Professor Kristian Bankov from the Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies at New Bulgarian University in Bulgaria.

The conference received a total of 135 papers. 144 senior scholars and young talents from domestic and foreign universities participated in 11 parallel forums. The divisions were focused on the following topics: Semiotics of Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Age, Art and Literary Semiotics, Research on Chinese Traditional Cultural Semiotic Thought and Heritage, International Communication and Cross-Cultural Communication Semiotics, Information and Communication Semiotics, Semiotic Narratology and Advances in Semiotic Theory, Media Imagery and Commodity Semiotics, Semiotic and Narrative Theory, Art and Literary Semiotics, Journalism History and Communication Studies, and Cybermedia and Cybersemiotics. Participants shared their latest research achievements. Academic sparkles were kindled via intense exchanges.

The closing event of the conference was chaired by Professor Rao Guangxiang from Sichuan University. Representatives from each parallel forum presented first. Afterwards, Professor Tang Xiaolin from the College of Literature and Journalism at Sichuan University gave an academic summary for the conference. And Professor Ding Hegen from Nanjing University delivered the closing remarks on behalf of the conference organizers.


This semiotics conference brought together cutting-edge ideas in semiotics from both China and abroad. Scholars engaged in inspiring discussions and exchanges of ideas, which led to new perspectives and methods in semiotics. It can be concluded that the conference was an academic feast and remarkable improve the development of semiotics in China.



文|陈惠娟 戴思颜

图|陈惠娟 戴思颜 刘志鑫 邓若曦 柯滢芬 郑思言 郭子涵 俞汶希

